Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Night Terrors

Training for BBMC 2012 has almost started in earnest, given the time of year and demands on daytime caused by work low level training walks are taking place at night. Usually with a few brave Berners like Spotty close behind. They have better night vision than me, I need help to see this clearly in the dark. I had started out with a few more dogs than this but Bliss disappeared somewhere around the half way mark and was not seen again until I returned to HQ. The security light came on which meant something was moving in the yard. Bliss was hiding behind Vic, venturing out to turn the light on everytime it went out. Not sure what it was that caused the night terror but she was very glad to be "rescued". Probably a Troll in the cauldron, or a Werewolf. Brave dogs these Berners.

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