Thursday, 30 June 2011

Scores on the doors!

Its weigh day for the Fab Four and bets were laid, the results verified and there are surprises in store!

Trojan, the monster pup at birth, hes a quiet sensitive soul, he is now an impressive 4 pound 4 ounces.

Ringo, a thinker (like Spotty!) muscles in at 4 pound 12 ounces.

Snuffie, a feisty one (code for annoying!) an incredible 5 pound.

But the winner this week for overall weight gain is Ikkle, the second born and tiniest pup who weighed a mere 12 ounces 21 days ago is now a massive sumo wrestler of a pup at 4 pound 8 ounces! That's a gain of 3 and a half ounces a day since last week! Pictured above in one of her quieter moments she is the choir mistress of the group, leading the Bernese dawn chorus to welcome the day. She is going to be a real Diva. Lookout Leanne and all at Nunnery Farm!
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  1. I am shocked!! She is gorgeous - but that weight gain took me completely by surprise - what a guzzler!!

  2. Tony, can you send me a copy of this pic. Didn't just want to copy it from your page. I have spoken to Nikki and Glenn, they are doing Northern BMD Club Show in Oct and I am going to take Elf (not to show). I am looking into Driffield Champ for him and Tia and Elf later in the year. Finally everyone seems to be up for a reunion next year so I will keep the details coming.
